The Hauxton WWTP Site needs to be remediated due to its potential impact on the River Cam.

About Us.

Who we are.

VertaseFLI is a contaminated land enabling and remediation contractor. As a result of our extensive experience, in-house technical specialists and operational managers we have built a reputation of delivering a range of remediation projects on-time, within budget and to impeccable health and safety standards.

Vertase was founded in 2000 by a group of individuals from contracting and consulting backgrounds within the contaminated land industry and is one of the longest-established remediation contractors in the UK. The business was developed, initially within the South West of England and expanded year on year with both project size and scope of works until its eventual opening of a second office in Sheffield in 2004. The company continued its growth organically up to its eventual purchase by the FLI Group in 2005. With the size of projects expanding, VertaseFLI made a decision to retain all the required skills in-house to deliver enabling works, earthworks-based remediation, landfill remediation and materials management, ex-situ and in-situ treatment. Over the years we have expanded our client base by working for developers, housebuilders, manufacturing, industrial and petrochemical and public sectors.

What we do.

We provide a full range of in-situ and ex-situ remediation schemes incorporating chemical, biological, physical and thermal treatment technologies. We have a centrally located manufacturing base where our team of technical, mechanical and electrical specialists are able to design and assemble bespoke remediation systems. The integration with our operational teams across the UK ensures a seamless transition from the design through to the remediation phase.

VertaseFLI successfully undertook the remediation works on the Main Hauxton Works Site, in 2010/2011. This site has since been redeveloped and is now known as the Hauxton Meadows Residential Development. Many of the same VertaseFLI personnel are involved in the WWTP remediation works.

What is remediation?

Simply put, remediation is the act of breaking viable pollutant linkages. A pollutant linkage is where there is a Source of contamination (such as hydrocarbons in soils, asbestos, solvent in groundwater or another pollutant), a Pathway of exposure (such as direct contact, inhalation, migration through water pipes) and a Receptor or ‘target’ for the contamination (such as a resident of the new development, construction workers, neighbours, controlled waters, or public water abstractions). All of these elements must be present for a ‘Source-Pathway-Receptor’ (S-P-R) linkage to exist.

As contaminated sites are characterised, a vast array of potentially viable pollutant linkages may be identified, many of which require disrupting (or Remediating).

In terms of how you remediate, that depends entirely on the characteristics of the site. A wide range of techniques and technologies have been developed and can be implemented.

About the project.

The 2.3 hectare wastewater treatment works (WWTP) was operational for 50 years from the 1950’s and served as an ancillary facility to the Main Works Site. The former use of this site has given rise to both soil and groundwater contamination including pesticides, hydrocarbons and chlorinated solvents, some of which are already impacting the nearby River Cam.

Due to the contamination present, the WWTP site was determined as a special site under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act (EPA) 1990.

Planning permission (with conditions) was granted in July 2024 by South Cambridgeshire District Council for: Demolition of existing structures and redevelopment for employment (office and laboratory) floorspace E (g)(i)(ii) alongside a new amenity building (including F2(b)(c), country park and associated infrastructure with all other matters reserved for future determination apart from access, layout, scale.

Prior to redevelopment, VertaseFLI will undertake remediation works to break the Source -Pathway -Receptor linkage, which will include the following activities:

  • Enabling works (slab removal, demolition, drainage removal etc)

  • Pre-excavation odour management via Soil Vapour Extraction (SVE)

  • Impacted soil excavation and segregation

  • On-site soils treatment

  • In situ groundwater treatment