Happening on site now: above ground demolition and soil vapour extraction (SVE) works.
Happening on site now: above ground demolition and soil vapour extraction (SVE) works.
Please expect some noise during the Above Ground Demolition Works.

Turning an unused, derelict space in Hauxton into a useable, more environmentally friendly site.
Brownfield sites offer the perfect space for development. And so our mission is to turn the historically impacted brownfield site into useable land whilst also reducing risks to sensitive receptors such as the River Cam.
What is the project?
6 km south of Cambridge city centre, just northwest of the village of Hauxton, an unused patch of land, contaminated with chemicals, pesticides and unwanted waste can be found.
This land currently poses a risk to the River Cam and future site users due to the former land use as a water treatment works associated with the pesticide works across the A10.
The remediation works are needed to reduce the risk to the River Cam and future users and to enable development of the site for the betterment of the local community.
What is a brownfield site?
A brownfield site is previously-developed land that has been abandoned or is underutilised. It may carry pollution or a risk of pollution from industrial use. ‘Brownfield land’ typically refers to land abandoned or underused due to concerns about contamination and is often associated with sites once used for industry and commercial purposes. The expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of brownfield sites may be complicated by the presence of hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants.
Remediation timeline
The road to a cleaner and safer site…