History of the Hauxton site

History of Hauxton site

The Hauxton Site

A historic photograph of the Hauxton site featuring a working building and barrels.

Below is a timeline of the site to date:

  • Pre 1950 – The site comprised undeveloped agricultural land;

  • 1950s – The site was first developed circa 1950 and comprised a pipeline running from the main site along the southern site boundary, a number of small buildings and tanks, several potential lagoon areas and 6 large trenches;

  • 1960s – The WWTP was further extended with several new buildings and tanks present in 1967. By 1967, the trenches and lagoons had been filled in. In c.1968, a square lagoon/reservoir is constructed in the west of the WWTP;

  • 1970s – Development of the site continued including the construction of additional tanks in the southwest of the WWTP;

  • 1980s – The site layout was largely unaltered from the 1970s. However, the 2m high earth bund present on the north, west and southern boundaries of the WWTP is understood to have been constructed c. 1986 to 1987 with the bund material thought to comprise excavated soils from the main site (previously assumed to be clean material);

  • 1990s – There was little change to the site. The pipeline to the WWTP is understood to have been removed and replaced with the current encased pipeline in 1998. During these works, some remediation is understood to have occurred along the length of the pipeline but detailed records are not available;

  • 2000s – The square reservoir in the west of the WWTP was no longer present in 2003. The site ceased producing chemicals in 2004

  • 2019 - The sports pavilion to the east of the site was replaced and a car parking area was constructed.

  • 2024 - Remediation works to commence to enable the site to be redeveloped and to address legacy land contamination issue.