
Above Ground Demolition

Demolition work has commenced on all above-ground structures at the former Water Treatment Works. This includes buildings, filter beds, silos, gantries and pipework, all of which are associated with the site’s historical operations.

The works are being carried out by VertaseFLI under the supervision of the clients Ecological Clerk of Works.


Soil Vapour Extraction (SVE) Works

To reduce the risk of odour release during the Main Remediation Works, VertaseFLI is using a custom-built system to extract volatile contaminants from the shallow soils in the most impacted area of the site (the source zone).

Forty extraction wells have been placed within the source zone, each connected to a vacuum extraction system via pipelines. As a vacuum is applied, vapours are drawn in and directed through the treatment system. The contaminants are absorbed by treatment media, and clean air is released.

VertaseFLI monitors the system on a weekly basis, with verification conducted by the clients Supervising Engineer.

History of the Hauxton site
Anya McKenna Anya McKenna

History of the Hauxton site

Our goal? To create a development ready platform by reprofiling the site and improving concentrations of contaminants in both soil and groundwater, to acceptable levels.

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